ICMC17 begins with one day of pre-conference workshops, followed by conference plenary keynotes and three days of sessions in nine tracks:
Pre-conference Workshops (W) are presented Tue and the conference begins Wed with a keynote Plenary (P) session | Advanced Technology Track (A) High-level technology issues, or special-focus subject matter | Certification Programs Track (C) Issues related to the CMVP, government programs and global certification | General Technology Track (T) Tools and techniques relating to cryptographic modules | Crypto Policy & Ethics (Y) Balancing privacy rights and government access to encrypted communications |
Open-Source Cryptography Track (S) Efforts to audit, improve and certify the security of the leading OS crypto projects. | User Experience Track (U) CM products, certifications, and vulnerabilities for organizations that rely on crypto security | Industry Vertical/Embedded Crypto Track (E) Embedded encryption in specific industry verticals | Quantum-Safe Crypto Track (Q) The quantum computing threat and efforts to transition to quantum-safe algorithms | Common Criteria Track (R) Issues related to Common Criteria and NIAP-compliant products |
Tuesday, May 16, 2017 |
08:00 – 09:00 Registration (Foyer)
09:00 – 12:30 Pre-Conference Workshops
Pre-Conference Workshop W01a (Ballroom DE) | Pre-Conference Workshop W01b (Ballroom B) | ||
09:00 | Decrypting Crypto: Intro to Cryptography, Steve Weingart, Manager of Public Sector Certifications, Aruba Networks | Intro to FIPS 140, Ray Potter, Founder, SafeLogic; Mark Minnoch, Technical Account Manager, SafeLogic |
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch (Foyer)
13:30 – 17:00 Pre-Conference Workshops
Pre-Conference Workshop W02a (Ballroom DE) | Pre-Conference Workshop W02b (Ballroom B) | ||
13:30 | Intro to Crypto Hardware Attacks, Jasper van Woudenberg, CTO North America, Riscure | FIPS 140-2 Validation Process: Overview and Case Study, Tammy Green, Senior Principal Security Architect, Symantec; Carolyn French, Manager, Cryptographic Module Validation Program, Communications Security Establishment; Ian Hall, Certification Architect, Symantec; Ashit Vora, Co-Founder and Laboratory Director, Acumen Security |
Wednesday, May 17, 2017 |
08:00 – 09:00 Registration (Foyer)
09:00 – 10:20 Plenary Keynote Session (Ballroom ABCDE) Welcome, Yi Mao, CST Lab Manager, atsec information security; CMUF Overview, Matt Keller, Vice President, Corsec
09:20 |
10:20 – 11:00 Networking Break in Exhibits (Hemingway Ballroom)
11:00 – 12:20 Conference Sessions
Certification Programs Track (Ballroom DE) |
General Technology Track (Ballroom C) |
Industry Vertical/Embedded Crypto (Ballroom B) | Quantum-Safe Crypto Track (Ballroom A) |
11:00 |
C11a. Keynote: Assurance Architecture Through Testing [40MIN] Michael Cooper, IT Specialist, NIST |
G11a. Keynote: Building Trust in the Era of Cloud Computing [40MIN] David Gerendas, Group Product Manager, McAfee |
E11a. Keynote: Applied Cryptography and Practical Example [40MIN] Dr. Najwa Aaraj, Senior Vice President, Special Projects, DarkMatter |
Q11a. Keynote: Update on ETSI QSC Standards Activities [20MIN] Mark Pecen, CEO, Approach Infinity |
11:20 |
Q11b. Update on the Quantum Threat, Mitigation Timelines and Managing Quantum Risk [40MIN] Michele Mosca, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo & evolutionQ Inc. |
11:40 |
C11c. Third-Party Security Validation: The Role of FIPS 140-2, Common Criteria, and UC APL in Securing Products [40MIN] John Morris, President, Corsec |
G11c. The 2017 NIST Transition to Stronger Cryptographic Algorithms [40MIN] Allen Roginsky, Mathematician, NIST |
E11c. Hardware Security Requirements for Vehicle-to-Everything Communications [40MIN] William Whyte, Chief Scientist Security Innovation |
12:00 |
Q11d. Quantum Threat…and Quantum Solution [20MIN] Bruno Huttner, Quantum Safe Product Management, ID Quantique SA |
12:20 – 13:20 Lunch in Exhibit Area (Hemingway Ballroom)
13:20 – 14:20 Conference Sessions
Certification Programs Track (Ballroom DE) |
General Technology Track (Ballroom C) |
Industry Vertical/Embedded Crypto (Ballroom B) | Quantum-Safe Crypto Track (Ballroom A) |
13:20 |
C12a. Validating Multiple Cryptographic Modules [20MIN] Steve Ratcliffe, TME, Cisco Systems; Khai Van, Security Tester, Gossamer Security Solutions |
G12a. FIPS as a Vendor—Fitting a Square Peg Into a Round Hole [20MIN] Malcolm Levy, Certification Manager, Check Point Software Technologies |
E12a. Lessons Learned in IoT Threat Modelling [20MIN] Paul Bottinelli, Security Systems Developer, ETAS Canada |
Q12a. NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization [40MIN] Lily Chen, Mathematician, NIST |
13:40 |
C12b. Rethinking the Definition of the Operational Environment in FIPS 140-2 [20MIN] Kelvin Desplanque, Security Certification Engineer, Cisco Systems |
G12b. FIPS Certification—Tales from the Dev Side [20MIN] Alan Kaye, Director, Compliance Management, Fortinet |
E12b. FIPS 140-2 Cryptography in the IoT [20MIN] Chris Conlon, Software Engineer, wolfSSL |
14:00 |
C12c. Stop Doing Grunt Work—Key to Efficiently Executing Multiple Certification Efforts [20MIN] Ashit Vora, Co-founder & Laboratory Director, Acumen Security |
G12c. Case Study: Hybrid CM Validation Technology Challenges [20MIN] Steve Taylor, Intel |
E12c. Secure Authentication without Identification[20MIN] Jan Camenisch, IBM Research–Zurich |
Q12c. How to be Ready for Tomorrow’s Quantum Attacks [20MIN] Vladimir Soukharev, Cryptographer, InfoSec Global |
14:20 – 14:40 Networking Break in Exhibits (Hemingway Ballroom)
14:40 – 15:40 Conference Sessions
Certification Programs Track (Ballroom DE) |
General Technology Track (Ballroom C) |
Industry Vertical/Embedded Crypto (Ballroom B) | Quantum-Safe Crypto Track (Ballroom A) |
14:40 |
C13a. Is Common Criteria the New FIPS 140? [40MIN] Anthony Busciglio, Co-Founder & Laboratory Director, Acumen Security |
G13a. Panel Discussion: Technology Challenges in CM Validation [60MIN] Moderator: Nithya Rachamadugu, Director, CygnaCom Panelists: Malcolm Levy, Certification Manager, Check Point Software Technologies; Robert Relyea, Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat; Steve Taylor, Federal Technology Specialist, Intel, Névine Ebeid, Principal Engineer, TrustPoint Innovation |
E13a. PKI and FICAM Overview and Outlook [40MIN] Judith Spencer, PMA Chair, Certipath |
Q13a. Preparing Today for Key Management in a Post-Quantum Computing World [40MIN] Tanja Lange, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven; Tony Cox, VP Partners, Alliances and Standards, Cryptsoft Pty Ltd. |
15:20 |
C13c. Certification Process. Are We on the Right Track? [20MIN] Fabien Deboyser, Certification Engineer, Thales e-Security |
E13c. FIPS-140-2 Validation of a NIST SP800-73-4 Conformant Smart Card: The Challenges Ahead [20MIN] Christophe Goyet, VP of Technology, Oberthur Technologies of America |
Q13c. CRYSTALS and Open Quantum Safe [20MIN] Tancrède Lepoint, Computer Scientist, SRI International |
15:40 – 16:00 Networking Break in Exhibits (Hemingway Ballroom)
16:00 – 17:00 Conference Sessions
Certification Programs Track (Ballroom DE) |
General Technology Track (Ballroom C) |
Industry Vertical/Embedded Crypto (Ballroom B) | Quantum-Safe Crypto Track (Ballroom A) |
16:00 |
C14a. Report from Equivalency Working Group [20MIN] Edward Morris, Lab Director, Gossamer Security Solutions; Carolyn French, Manager, Cryptographic Module Validation Program, Communications Security Establishment |
G14a. A Tale of Two Entropy Source Validation Approaches: NIST 800 90B vs. BSI AIS 31 [20MIN] Meltem Sonmez Turan, NIST |
E14a. Overview/Case Study: Validating FIPS 140-2 Security in PIV Credential Cryptographic Modules [20MIN] Roger Butler, Chief Architect, TecSec |
Q14a. Post Quantum Cryptography and the Future of Digital Signatures [20MIN] Florian Caullery, Dark Matter |
16:20 |
C14b. Update on FIPS 140-3 [40MIN] Kim Schaffer, NIST |
G14b. Entropy Estimation Methods for SW Environments in KCMVP [40MIN] Seogchung Seo, National Security Research Institute, Korea; Sangwoon Jang, National Research Institute, Korea; Yewon Kim, Kookmin Security University, Korea; and Yongjin Yeom, Kookmin University, Korea |
E14b. An Executable Secure Mobility Solution using an NFC Crypto Module [40MIN] Richard Schaeffer, CEO, Tocreo Labs |
Q14b. Timing and Side-Channel Countermeasures for Quantum-Safe Cryptography [20MIN] William Whyte, Chief Scientist, Security Innovation |
16:40 |
Q14c. Experience with Quantum Key Distribution [20MIN] Konstantinos Karagiannis, CTO, Security Consulting Practice, BT Americas |
17:00 – 18:20 Welcome Reception in Exhibits (Hemingway Ballroom) Sponsor:
18:20 – 21:00 Dine-Around DC
Enjoy an informal group dinner at one of Arlington’s best restaurants with your ICMC colleagues. Select a restaurant and reserve your seat for a prix-fixe dinner at a group table. Reserve early—seating is limited. On site, you’ll meet your group Wednesday at 18:20 at the ICMC registration desk in the foyer and depart from there.
Thursday, May 18, 2017 |
08:00 – 09:00 Coffee in Exhibits (Hemingway Ballroom) CMUF Face-to-Face Meeting (Conference Services Center—Open to All)
09:00 – 09:40 Conference Sessions
Certification Programs Track (Ballroom DE) |
General Technology Track (Ballroom C) |
Common Criteria Track (Ballroom B) |
Open-Source Crypto Track (Ballroom A) |
Moderator: | Moderator: | ![]() |
Moderator: | ||||
09:00 |
C20a. NIST & NIAP Working Together [40MIN] Janine Pedersen, Director, National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP); Melanie Cook, Operations Lead–STVM, Computer Security Division, NIST |
G20a. How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love AES-GCM [40MIN] Quentin Gouchet, atsec information security |
R20a. Keynote Presentation [40MIN] Shawn Wells, Chief Security Strategist, Public Sector, Red Hat |
S20a. Keynote: Driving Security Improvements in Critical Open Source Projects [40MIN] Nicko van Someren, CTO, Linux Foundation |
09:40 – 10:00 Networking Break in Exhibits (Hemingway Ballroom)
10:00 – 11:20 Conference Sessions
Certification Programs Track (Ballroom DE) |
General Technology Track (Ballroom C) |
Common Criteria Track (Ballroom B) |
Open-Source Crypto Track (Ballroom A) |
10:00 |
C21a. Update on the Automated Cryptographic Validation Program (ACVP) [80MIN] Apostol Vassilev, Research Lead—STVM, CSD; Barry Fussell, Technical Leader, Cisco Systems; Robert Relyea, Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat; Shawn Geddis, Security & Certifications Engineer; Simon Vera-Schockner, Architect GCDS, Akamai Technologies; Melanie Cook,, Operations Lead – STVM, CSD, NIST |
G21a. Trusted Cryptographic Modules, Malware and Encryption [40MIN] Steve Schmalz, CISSP Principal Systems Engineer RSA, The Security Division of EMC |
R21a. NIAP Update [40MIN] Diane Hale, NSA |
S21a. Inside the OpenSSL 1.1 FIPS Module Project [40MIN] Mark Minnoch, Technical Account Manager, SafeLogic; Tim Hudson, CTO and Technical Director, Cryptsoft Pty Ltd. |
10:40 |
Session breaks early. |
R21c. Understanding Protection Profiles [40MIN] Lachlan Turner, Founder & Principal Consultant, Ark Infosec Labs Inc. |
S21c. FIPS Certification and the Bouncy Castle Project, or, What do you mean I can’t just do a new release tomorrow? [40MIN] David Hook, Bouncy Castle |
11:20 – 11:40 Networking Break in Exhibits (Hemingway Ballroom)
11:40 – 12:40 Conference Sessions
Certification Programs Track (Ballroom DE) |
General Technology Track (Ballroom C) |
Common Criteria Track (Ballroom B) |
Open-Source Crypto Track (Ballroom A) |
11:40 |
C22a. PKCS#11 Goes to 3.0! [40MIN] Valerie Fenwick, Director of Software Engineering, Intel |
G22a. Smartphone Keystores and Key Management: 2017 Edition [40MIN] William Supernor, CTO, Koolspan |
R22a. Commercial Product Assurance: Its Relation to CC [40MIN] Simon Milford, Head of Cyber Security, DNV GL |
S22a. Open Source Validations [40MIN] Chris Brych, Senior Principal Security Analyst, Oracle |
12:20 |
C22c. Revalidation in Response to CVEs—CMUF WG [20MIN] Fabien Deboyser, Thales e-Security |
G22c. The Expanding Role of Hardened Encryption and PKI Management in the Cloud [20MIN] Adam Cason, Director of Product Marketing, Futurex
R22c. Common Criteria Protection Profile for Trusted Execution Environment [20MIN] Hank Chavers, Technical Program Manager, Global Platform
S22c. Network Time Synchronization for Cryptographic Protocols [20MIN] Daniel Franke, Akamai |
12:40 – 13:40 Lunch in Exhibit Area (Hemingway Ballroom) Sponsor:
13:40 – 14:40 Conference Sessions
Certification Programs Track (Ballroom DE) |
General Technology Track (Ballroom C) |
Common Criteria Track (Ballroom B) |
Open-Source Crypto Track (Ballroom A) |
13:40 |
C23a. CMVP Inside [20MIN] Carolyn French, Manager, Cryptographic Module Validation Program Communications Security Establishment; Jennifer Cawthra, Program Manager, NIST |
G23a. Fast, Quantum-Resistant Public-Key Solutions for Constrained Devices Using Group Theoretic Cryptography [40MIN] Derek Atkins, CTO, SecureRF |
R23a. CC for Smart Cards and Mobile Security [40MIN] Wouter Slegers, CEO, Your Creative Solutions |
S23a. TLS Panel Discussion [60MIN] Moderator: Tim Hudson, CTO and Technical Director, Cryptsoft Pty Ltd. Panelists: Steve Marquess, OpenSSL; David Hook, Bouncy Castle; Nicko van Someren, CTO, Linux Foundation; Kenneth White, Open Crypto Audit Project |
14:00 |
C23b. Standing With Integrity-Integrity Check Using Random Sampling [20MIN] Renaudt Nunez, IT Security Consultant, atsec information security |
14:20 |
C23c. Getting Over the Self-Test Hurdle [20MIN] Alan Gornall, Principle Consultant, Rycombe Consulting |
G23c. Control Your Cloud: BYOK is Good, But Not Enough [20MIN] Matt Landrock, CEO, Cryptomathic |
R23c. Improving cPPs with User Participation [20MIN] Quang Trinh, Cisco |
14:40 – 15:00 Networking Break in Exhibits (Hemingway Ballroom, Exhibits Close at 15:00)
15:00 – 16:00 Conference Sessions
Certification Programs Track (Ballroom DE) |
General Technology Track (Ballroom C) |
Common Criteria Track (Ballroom B) |
Open-Source Crypto Track (Ballroom A) |
15:00 |
C24a. FIPS in China? Easier Than the Language! [40MIN] Yuan Xu, atsec information security; Di Li, Senior Consultant, atsec China |
G24a. Quantum Safe PKI Transitions [40MIN] Mike Brown, CTO, ISARA Corporation |
R24a. Panel Discussion: The Move to cPPs [60MIN] Moderator: Kirill Sinitski, Common Criteria Evaluator, CygnaCom CCCEL Canada Panelists: Alan Kaye, Director, Compliance Management, Fortinet; Leo Kool, Senior Security Evaluator, Brightsight; Andy Nissen, Software Development Manager, McAfee, Tony Boswell, Senior Principal Consultant, DNV GL Is the move to cPPs (and the fact that they’re relying more on FIPS for their underpinning) an improvement on the EAL? |
S24a. TLS 1.3 [40MIN] Rich Salz, Senior Architect, Akamai Technologies; Member, OpenSSL Dev Team |
15:40 |
C24c. Malaysian Validation Programs Overview [20MIN], H.A. Rani, CyberSecurity Malaysia |
G24c. Surveying the Physical Landscape [20MIN] Marc Ireland, FIPS Program Manager, UL Verification Services |
S24c. Penetration Testing: TLS 1.2, and Initial Research on How to Attack TLS 1.3 Stacks [20MIN] Alex Moneger, Citrix Systems |
16:00 – 16:20 Networking Break (Foyer)
16:20 – 17:00 Conference Sessions
Certification Programs Track (Ballroom DE) |
General Technology Track (Ballroom C) |
Common Criteria Track (Ballroom B) |
Open-Source Crypto Track (Ballroom A) |
16:20 |
C25a. Australian Validation Programs Overview [40MIN] Simon Reardon, Evaluations Program, Cyber & Information Security Division, Australian Signals Directorate |
G25a. What Type of Module Am I? [40MIN] Yi Mao, CST Lab Manager, atsec information security |
R25a. The Common Criteria—What’s Next? [40MIN] Joshua Brickman, Director, Security Evaluations, Oracle |
S25a. Crypto++: Past Validations and Future Directions [20MIN] Jeffrey Walton, Consultant |
16:40 |
C25b. Towards an International Cryptographic Validation Program; Where Are We Now? [20MIN] Clint Winebrenner, Technical Lead, FIPS Cisco Systems |
S25b. Evolving Practice in TLS, VPNs, and Secrets Management [20MIN] Kenneth White, Security Architecture, Public Cloud, Applied Cryptography Research & Development, Open Crypto Audit Project |
17:00 – 18:00 Cryptographic Module Game Program (Ballroom C)
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Come watch three experienced contestants test their FIPS knowledge in a game of trivia related to algorithms, derived testing requirements, entropy, implementation guidance and more. A few members from the audience will be selected to assist the contestants on specific questions and be eligible to win prizes. Your Host: Nick Goble, Technical Marketing Engineer, Cisco |
Friday, May 19, 2017 |
08:00 – 09:00 Coffee (Foyer)
09:00 – 09:40 Conference Sessions
End-User Experience Track (Ballroom E) |
Advanced Technology Track (Ballroom C) |
Common Criteria Track (Ballroom B) |
Crypto Policy & Ethics Track (Ballroom A) |
09:00 |
U30a. Keynote: Cryptographic Standards Acceptance and the User Experience [20MIN] Gordon Bass, Director, Cybersecurity Operations Office, Office of the CIO, U.S. Department of Energy |
A30a. Keynote: Nano-Ciphers, The Challenge of Small-Data Encryption [40MIN] Terence Spies, Chief Technologist, HP Security Voltage |
R30a. Introducing the Dedicated Security Components Protection Profile [20MIN] Shawn Pinet, Senior Security & Certifications Analyst, Gemalto; Shawn Geddis, Security & Certifications Engineer |
Y30a. Keynote: From Heartbleed to Juniper and Beyond [40MIN] Matthew Green, Johns Hopkins University |
09:20 |
U30b. Updates from the Security Policy and Remote Testing Working Groups [20MIN] Ryan Thomas, Laboratory Manager, Acumen Security |
R30b. FIPS!…I Did It Again [20MIN] Justin Fisher, Booz Allen Hamilton
09:40 – 10:00 Networking Break (Foyer)
10:00 – 11:20 Conference Sessions
End-User Experience Track (Ballroom E) |
Advanced Technology Track (Ballroom C) |
Common Criteria Track (Ballroom B) |
Crypto Policy & Ethics Track (Ballroom A) |
10:00 |
U31a. Crypto: You’re Doing it Wrong [40MIN] Jon Green, Sr. Director, Security Architecture and Federal CTO, Aruba Networks/HPE |
A31a. A Survey of the Classical and Quantum Cryptanalysis of AES [40MIN] David Cornwell, Lead Engineer, Booz Allen Hamilton |
R31a. Development of CPPs for Full Disk Encryption [20MIN] Garry McCracken, VP, Technology, WinMagic |
Y31a. Autocrypt: E-mail Encryption for Everyone [40MIN] Daniel Kahn Gillmor, Senior Staff Technologist, ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project |
10:20 |
R31b. Common Criteria Crypto Working Group [20MIN] Mary Baish, NIAP; Fritz Bollmann, BSI |
10:40 |
U31c. What Does Your FIPS Certificate Say? [20MIN] Swapneela Unkule, atsec information security |
A31c. Reducing IoT Ecosystem Exposure to Breaches, Data Theft, and Ruined Reputations: 7 Key Elements for Proactive IoT Security [40MIN] Loren Shade, VP Marketing, Allegro Software |
R31c. Toward Continuous Certification [40MIN] Greg Mclearn, Lightship Security |
Y31c. Encryption and Cybersecurity Policy Under the New Administration [40MIN] Neema Singh Guliani, Legislative Counsel (Privacy and Technology), ACLU |
11:00 |
U31d. Keeping It Valid: Maintenance of FIPS 140-2 Validated Modules [20MIN] Shashi Karanam, Senior Certifications Consultant, |
11:20 – 11:40 Networking Break (Foyer)
11:40 – 12:40 Conference Sessions
End-User Experience Track (Ballroom E) |
Advanced Technology Track (Ballroom C) |
Common Criteria Track (Ballroom B) |
Crypto Policy & Ethics Track (Ballroom A) |
11:40 |
U32a. Panel Discussion: Ask the Labs [60MIN] Moderator: Ryan Horan, Security Test, Validation and Measurement Group, NIST Panelists: Marc Ireland, FIPS Program Manager, UL Verification Services; Yi Mao, CST Lab Manager, atsec information security; Edward Morris, Cofounder, Gossamer Security Solutions; Ryan Thomas Laboratory Manager, Acumen Security; Jonathan Smith, Senior CST Lab Tester, CygnaCom |
A32a. MACSec Security Service FIPS Validation [20MIN] Zhiqiang Wang, Lab Manager, Gossamer Security Solutions |
R32a. Selecting and Maintaining a Crypto Module for ISO 19790 and CC [40MIN] Iain Holness, Common Criteria Evaluator, Security Engineer Cygnacom Solutions |
Y32a. Revisiting Threat Models for Cryptography [40MIN] Bart Preneel, Professor, University of Leuven |
12:00 |
A32b. Usage of SP800-56A in Industry Standard Protocols [20MIN] Michael Powers, Security Assurance Engineer, Leidos |
12:20 |
A32c. Avoiding Falsely Passing a Device in TVLA Testing [20MIN] Gilbert Goodwill, Senior Manager/DPA Team Lead Rambus–Cryptography Research Division |
R32c. Satisfying CC Cryptography Requirements through CAVP/CMVP Certifications [20MIN] Anthony Apted, CCTL Technical Director, Leidos |
Y32c. Zero Knowledge Doesn’t Mean Zero Ethics [20MIN] Joshua Marpet, SVP, Compliance and Managed Services CyberGRC |
12:40 – 13:40 Lunch (Hemingway Ballroom)
13:40 – 14:40 Conference Sessions
End-User Experience Track (Ballroom E) |
Advanced Technology Track (Ballroom C) |
Crypto Policy & Ethics Track (Ballroom A) |
13:40 |
U33a. Entropy—A Case of Supply and Demand [20MIN] Richard Moulds, VP Strategy, Whitewood Encryption |
A33a. Storing Cryptographic Keys in Persistent Browser Storage [20MIN] Francisco Corella, Founder & CTO, Pomcor |
Re-set room for Summary Panel Discussion |
Y33a. Thomas Jefferson and Apple versus the FBI [40MIN] Daniel J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA; Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands |
14:00 |
U33b. How Random is Your Random? (Assessing Entropy with SP800-90B) [40MIN] Stephan Mueller, Principal Consultant, atsec information security |
A33b. Efficient Application of Countermeasures for Elliptic Curve Cryptography [40MIN] Vladimir Soukharev, InfoSec Global |
14:40 – 14:50 Networking Break (Foyer)
14:50 – 15:50 P34a. Closing Remarks, Nithya Rachamadugu, Director, CygnaCom; Summary Panel Discussion–FIPS and Common Criteria–How They Play Together [60MIN] (Ballroom B)
CC validation requirements can differ from CMVP. Should products be designed around CMVP needs or CC? ICMC will end with a plenary session panel of authoritative leaders in a discussion on a topic which was selected by ICMC participants by general survey. Moderator: Steve Weingart, Manager of Public Sector Certifications, Aruba, an HP Enterprise Company Panelists: Erin Connor, Director, EWA-Canada; Tammy Green, Senior Principal Security Architect, Symantec; Laurie Mack, Director Security & Certifications, Gemalto; Bill Shelton Director, Federal Certifications and Policy, Juniper Networks