April 7-10, 2025 | Marriott Downtown at CF Toronto Eaton Centre, Canada

Iain Holness

Senior Program Manager – Common Criteria, Corsec Security

Iain Holness

Senior Program Manager – Common Criteria, Corsec Security


Iain is a Senior Program Manager at Corsec, leading their Common Criteria team. An industry veteran with over 28 years experience, Iain has worked for the Canadian military, Queen’s University, and was an early employee at Entrust when PKIs were in their infancy and the various standards were being developed. He later worked at SafeNet (now Thales) on FIPS, CC, and other nations’ security certification efforts for multiple HSM and eToken product lines. Iain has worked in several CC labs and a FIPS lab, sits on the Network iTC, and attends CMUF and CMUF Entropy WG meetings. He has a Graduate Certificate in Information Security from Athabasca University, where he is currently working towards his MSc in Information Systems.