April 7-10, 2025 | Marriott Downtown at CF Toronto Eaton Centre, Canada

Jose Ruiz Gualda

Co-founder, jtsec Beyond IT Security

Jose Ruiz Gualda

Co-founder, jtsec Beyond IT Security


Program Director. Jose Francisco Ruiz Gualda, computer science graduate of Universidad de Granada, has more than 10 years’ experience in areas related to security product development and IT product security evaluation/testing under different standards like CC or FIPS 140-2. Jose has worked as evaluator, tester, consultant and CC lab manager.

Jose is now Co-Founder and business development manager in jtsec Beyond It Security (a Cyber Security Company providing consultancy services in a wide range of certifications).

His experience has led him to participate as a speaker in various editions of the ICCC and ICMC and being appointed Official Reviewer by the European Commission for “IACS Cybersecurity certification” project. He has been involved in more than 60 security evaluations for different standards and technologies (Smart Cards, Security boxes, software, cryptographic modules, etc…)