September 17-20, 2024 | DoubleTree by Hilton, San Jose, California

Panel: Facing the Future: The Next ISO/IEC 19790 (C13a)

Panel: Facing the Future: The Next ISO/IEC 19790 (C13a)

The version of ISO/IEC 19790 (hereafter 19790) adopted as FIPS 140-3 was published in 2012. Since its publication, it has gone through four working drafts (WDs) and one committee draft (CD). The next revision is scheduled for publication in October 2024. As a liaison officer between the Cryptographic Module User Forum (CMUF) and ISO/JTC1/SC27/WG3, the speaker presents the CMUF contributions that have shaped 19790 through several WDs and carried over in the recent CD.
This panel discussion connects to the following two other presentations: Briefing on 19790:2024, current status and main changes from 2012, by Graham Costa; Update on CMVPs plans in relation to transition to the new ISO revision and what needs to happen, by Carolyn French.
Graham and Carolyn will join the panel with other lab and vendor panelists. The panel discussion will explore how the changes in the upcoming revision of ISO 19790 will impact vendors and labs. Knowing what to expect in the next revision of 19790 will benefit vendors and labs for transitioning to the new revision once it gets published in 2024.