Simplification of Multiple International Standards for Cryptographic Modules (C23a
Cryptographic Module vendors operate in a vast and varied international marketspace. ICMC is International in name, in attendance, and in its reach of audiences. However, the FIPS 140 standard, which is of primary focus at ICMC, is regional in reach to the USA and Canada. The FIPS standard is an excellent, and readily accepted, standard for the markets it serves. Cryptographic Module vendors spend considerable effort to obtain, and market, their FIPS certifications. However, the USA and Canada make up only a portion of their current and targeted marketspace. The markets and customers that Cryptographic Module Vendors serve benefit when they have access to the full portfolio of solutions, however, certification requirements present a real hurdle. This talk will outline the problem and detail the impacts of multiple international standards for cryptographic modules; and then lay out several potential solutions that the ICMC community could pursue.