September 17-20, 2024 | DoubleTree by Hilton, San Jose, California

PSA Certification Programme (C21b)

16 May 2019
Parq Grand Ballroom E

PSA Certification Programme (C21b)

This presentation will give a very brief introduction to Arm Platform Security Architecture (though that is a separate submission) and then explains why Arm have decided to introduce a new certification scheme for it. It will explain the four levels that the scheme will offer and why Arm have chosen these levels. It will show how the Arm PSA scheme relates to other similar schemes, such as SESIP and Common Criteria. It will explain how product developers, RTOS vendors and silicon providers can get their products certified and explain how we intend to deal with issues regarding composition. It will also briefly describe the process by which test houses can join the scheme. By the time of ICMC it is expected that the first level 2 certificates will be awarded, so speakers will be able to report on the progress of the scheme and any issues that have occured.