Latest Cryptographic Module Test Technology Development Trends of KCMVP (C11a)
This presentation will introduce the major test technology development trends of KCMVP. Korea has been operating its own cryptographic module validation system since 2005 and has been conducting tests based on cryptographic module validation standards since 2008. In particular, since 2015, the latest version of the cryptographic module validation standard is applied to the test. Key features of the latest version validation standards versus existing one include conditional self-tests and degraded operation mode. In order to accurately recognize these major differences to developers and to carry out tests smoothly, presenters have implemented a reference cryptographic module and are using it for developer training. The reference cryptographic module was implemented in firmware form to clearly show the main features of conditional self-tests and degraded operation and developed in compliance with the latest version’s security level 1.
In addition, presenters are in the process of developing core countermeasure for non-invasive attacks by each cryptographic algorithms. Currently, the international standard ISO/IEC 17825 for non-invasive attacks does not reflect the structural characteristics of each cryptographic algorithm, so presenters proceeded with a new aspect. They analyzed the current non-invasive attack methods and developed a non-invasive attack countermeasure analysis report that reflects the structural characteristics of each cryptographic algorithm.